Rocket League Coaching.
So what is RL DataCoach?
Simply put, we evaluate your replays and tell you how to get better.
We use a proprietary AI model to identify in game events & see how you perform versus your peers at your rank. The AI model is used to identify the most important skills you need to work on to win more games, personalized to your gameplay. The best part is, as you upload more replays & improve your skills, our Coach recognizes the improvement and will start to identify other areas that will help you continue climbing the ranks!
Isn’t AI in Rocket League just bots like Nexto?
While AI has been used to create bots that can play Rocket League better than most of us, DataCoach’s approach to AI is to simplify making YOU better at the game through personalized Rocket League coaching. Imagine taking the same practices that train an AI bot to get good, and use it to make you better.
How does DataCoach know what I need to do to win more games?
We identify over 60+ in game events in the replays you upload. Events like what types of shots you typically take, how you like to defend, where you position your car, and what mechanics you like to use. But it doesn’t stop there, as we layer on car speed, positioning compared to the ball, teammates & opponents to evaluate your ability to generate high threat scoring chances and minimizing opponents from doing the same.
The future of Rocket League Coaching.
How our AI Coaching actually works.

1. Analyzes your latest 10 Rocket Leauge replays.
POLR works by calculating your score on your most recent 10 games uploaded, helping identify recent trends in your playstyle. As you improve, POLR recognizes it!

2. Compares you to players at your rank.
With 50,000+ replays uploaded, POLR identifies what players at your rank do well in order to win more games, then compares how you do at these skills.

3. Recommends training for skills that will help you win.
POLR’s AI takes over, identifying which skills, when improved, will contribute the most to winning more games and achieving your desired rank as quickly as possible!
AI Based Rocket League Coaching
Introducing POLR
POLR is the name of our AI coaching output.
It stands for Path of Least Resistance, providing personalized training recommendations for every player to rank up as quickly as possible.

ROcket League Coaching
Console & PC Access.
RL DataCoach is here to help both Console & PC players on their Rocket League journey.
Any rocket league replay uploaded to our site that contains your Epic ID in it, will automatically connect to your dashboard.
So while console players cannot upload directly, DataCoach is still able to provide personalized coaching. Need help getting replays uploaded? Join our Discord to find PC players to play with & upload games with you!