PC & Console Rocket League Coaching

Available to Console & PC Players! 

Yes, that’s right. Both PC &  Console players can have access to a personalized dashboard via our app.

RL DataCoach is here to help both Console & PC players on their Rocket League journey.

Any rocket league replay uploaded to our site that contains your Epic ID in it, will automatically connect to your dashboard.

So while console players cannot upload directly, DataCoach is still able to provide personalized coaching. Need help getting replays uploaded? Join our Discord to find PC players to play with & upload games with you!

Console Rocket League Players

Today’s your lucky day! Despite having limited options when it comes to coaching & training in the past, RL DataCoach is here to help you on your Rocket League coaching journey.

While Console Players cannot upload to our site directly, any replay uploaded to our site that you played in will automatically connect to your account.

Here is how it works:

2. Join Our Discord Community

3. Complete the Onboarding & Role Selection

4. Ping Console Support Role & Play Ranked Games

5. Sign into you RL DataCoach dashboard for your Personalized Coaching Recommendations.

PC Rocket League Players

In order to populate your DataCoach Dashboard, PC Players have two options to get replays uploaded

Setup Automatic Connection

1. Download our BakkesMod plugin (not familiar with BakkesMod? Check it out!)

2. In game, click F2 and navigate to the Plugins tab and click on DataCoach Auto Replay Uploader. If it’s not there, open Plugins Manager and check off DataCoach Auto Replay Uploader.

3. Click Generate Token button, copy the token, paste into the Token box and Check Token.

4. Check off Enable Auto Replay Uploader and Save.

Manual Upload

1. After completing a ranked match, click Save in game then come back to DataCoach.

2. Replays are typically found by following the path below:

Documents > My Games > Rocket League > TAGame > Demos (of DemosEpic)

Up to 25 replays can be uploaded at one time!

Get Started

Experience the power of RL DataCoach from console.